Every year the U.S. recognizes March as Women’s History Month, and here at LiveYourDream.org we’re already making plans to celebrate. Wondering how you can celebrate Women’s History Month 2023? We’ve got you covered with 15 excellent ideas.
1. Explore the history of women’s rights.
The theme of Women’s History Month 2023 is “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories,” a theme that honors women in every community who have devoted their lives and talents to producing art and news, pursuing truth, and reflecting society decade after decade. If you don’t know the history of women’s rights, now’s a perfect time to learn!
2. Be aware of issues women still face today.
Although women have made progress, there are still areas where women face obstacles because of their gender. For example, women still earn less on average than men, carry the majority of household and childcare responsibilities, face workplace stigmas and double standards, and are under-represented in leadership, STEM careers, and politics. Plus, there’s domestic violence, sexual harassment, trafficking, and rape culture. Oh, and hiring bias, harmful beauty standards, and the pink tax. Do we need to go on?
3. Download the Feminist Activist Toolkit.
While over 80% of people in the U.S. agree that genders should be treated equally, only 30% of people consider themselves feminists. Feminism is, unfortunately, surrounded by many misconceptions.
To help educate more people on what feminism actually means, and to show how anyone can take action to support gender equality, we put together this Feminist Activist Toolkit, which we’re giving away for free this Women’s History Month. Get yours now!
4. Post on social media to spread awareness of Women’s History Month.
An easy way to celebrate is to share articles, infographics, inspiring quotes, videos, and other women-centric content on your social media. We’ve curated a great collection of shareable content over on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.
5. Support a women’s nonprofit.
If you really want to make a measurable difference this Women’s History Month, support a charity that works with women and girls in need. Soroptimist / LiveYourDream.org is helping tens of thousands of women and girls across the globe achieve economic empowerment through education. Your gift can help us create more positive change!
But there are tons of other great nonprofits, big and small, working to empower women and move the needle on gender equality. And all of them could use every little bit of help. When enough people pitch in, a pinch of generosity compounds into a mountain of progress!

6. Host an event to celebrate women.
An event is a fun way to acknowledge Women’s History Month and to build solidarity with other women. Invite your fierce and fabulous friends (not just women, but allies too!). Make it positive and empowering! Some fun ideas to make the event special:
- Watch movies directed by women and with female leads
- Chill to some feminist shows on Netflix
- Spin tunes by female artists
- Have an impromptu fashion show
- Write positive affirmations on notes and hand them out
- Decorate your space with empowering quotes by women, or art by women like Frida Kahlo and Georgia O’Keefe
- Start a conversation about what sisterhood means
- Have everyone write down new year’s resolutions to do more to support women
- Have a mini ceremony and give out awards to each of your gal pals to celebrate their resilience, compassion, and accomplishments
7. Support women-owned businesses.
Women-owned businesses are on the rise, but women still represent a minority of business owners. March is a perfect time to show your solidarity with these tenacious leaders, entrepreneurs, and service providers.
8. Write a thank you note to a woman that inspires you.
A few simple words to acknowledge how another woman has inspired you can mean a lot to her. Maybe they’re a role model or a friend or family member who helped you through a tough time. Maybe you just admire certain qualities about them and don’t say so enough. A show of gratitude is a meaningful gesture.
9. Write yourself a love note.
While you’re at it, spare a few words of praise for yourself! Women are often our own best critics. Try writing down the things you love about yourself; you deserve to be celebrated!
10. Watch TED talks for women.
TED is such an incredible learning resource. We love to put on a TED talk in the background while we work or commute. The TED website has a whole curated list of videos about and by women.
11. Support women authors and artists.
Give the creative women of the world some well-earned love. We have a few recommended women authors, and a playlist of empowering women musicians to jam to while you work on your love notes.
12. Participate in political advocacy.
Even though women’s rights have come a long way, there’s still plenty of work to do to level the playing field and make sure women and girls have the opportunity to succeed. Pick a topic that matters to you and write or call your representatives to voice your concerns.
13. Mentor a girl or fellow woman.
There are tons of local and national programs where you can become a mentor for women and girls. Our Dream It, Be It program is one example, but there’s also Girls Inc, Boys and Girls Club, YWCA, and more. Being a mentor is a big commitment, but it’s also profoundly impactful, highly rewarding, and can change both mentor and mentee’s lives!
14. Join a women’s volunteer club.
Joining a club—like your local Soroptimist chapter—not only gives you opportunities to give back to the community, but it also lets you build lifelong friendships with like-minded women. Nothing is more amazing than women lifting up fellow women to help all of us thrive together!
15. Discover your inner Shero.
Are you more of a Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Malala, or an Amy Poehler? Take our Shero Quiz to identify what fearless feminist woman you are, and then get ready to make a difference with our personalized action opportunities to empower women and girls!

This is an amazing blog for Women. I appreciate this. Thanks for the list out. If you are interested in look at our comparable blog
I am impressed with the 15 Ways to Celebrate Women’s History Month. Most of them are checked off, however, didn’t think about My Inner Shero. Will continue to be a Women’s Rights Advocate… Thanks for Sharing!
Thanks so much. This is an eye opener.
I’m speaking at church on this topic that’s why I googled this. Any other suggestions ?
Beautiful article on how to celebrate Women’s History Month. Sharing with my organization Northwest Family Life, which provides assistance to women affected by domestic violence. Thank you.