Following Our Dreams Meant Empowering Women to Follow Theirs

Two and a half years ago, my best friend, Jen, and I started to toss the idea around about starting a business together. Our babies had just gone off to school for the first time, and we found ourselves at a turning point in our lives, asking ourselves, “What’s next?”

As we talked about what our business could look like, we knew that we wanted to do something that not only fulfilled us but helped others to feel fulfilled as well.  We knew there were other women out there, at all stages of their lives, asking themselves that same question of, “What’s next?” We wanted to create something that would speak to these women on a personal level.

The idea translated beautifully into a jewelry company that is about more than just jewelry. We combined our talents and passions to build something truly unique. Each piece of jewelry is designed around a specific inspirational message and a piece of artwork that showcases that message. When women wear our jewelry, they literally take that message of empowerment out with them into the world each day.

We want our jewelry to tell a story that makes people feel a certain way:  empowered, strong, beautiful, motivated, confident.

The tagline for our company is, “The intersection of style and story,” which really sums up our mission.  Yes, we want to make pretty things that women want to wear…but more than that, we want our jewelry to tell a story that makes people feel a certain way:  empowered, strong, beautiful, motivated, confident. We want to encourage women to listen to their inner voice, tap into their inner strength, and share their light and passion with others. It is these messages, embedded within the designs of our jewelry, that we know hold the power to connect with women everywhere.

That desire for connection is what led us to look for a way to do more to really help women find their strength and achieve their purpose. Our jewelry brand was the product of us chasing our dreams, and we always knew that we wanted to help other women chase their dreams too. When we found the website, it was a literal goosebump moment. Their mission is perfectly aligned with the vision that we have for helping women take that next step towards a better life. We designed a special piece of jewelry around the word, “Connected,” and each sale of this piece allows us to support the dreams of local women through the work of this organization.

Every piece that we create tells a story, and it is so powerful to know that every woman who buys this special bracelet is helping another woman to write the next chapter of her story.

“Connected” bracelet, available in gold or silver with your choice of thread color —$19.00

The bracelets from the Connected collection help you feel the power of your own actions to act as a bridge between what was and what can be. A portion of every purchase supports in its mission to empower women.

Alexis Drolet is the co-founder of the inspirational jewelry brand, Champagne on a Wednesday. She is a multi-passionate creative entrepreneur who is always scratching that creative itch by trying something new: making music, painting, writing, crafting, and designing jewelry. She lives just outside of Philadelphia, PA with her husband and two pre-teen daughters, where she spends her weekends on the sidelines as the best mom cheerleader around for her daughters’ softball, soccer, basketball, and lacrosse games.

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