Women’s Health In the US and Around the World

Women’s health has long been an under researched area, but through advocacy and hard work, that is slowly beginning to change.

Women’s health around the world is a lynchpin for global health as a whole. When women are healthy and safe, families and communities thrive. Beyond that, women make up over half the population of the world, so women’s health IS global health.

Regis College’s Regis School of Nursing created an infographic about some of the most pressing issues facing women’s health today. Sexual abuse, violence against women, postpartum depression, and breast cancer are four major health issues for women across all ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. Though these health issues can impact any woman, risk factors are even more significant for low income women.

To learn more about women’s health, the statistics, challenges, and to find resources and support, check out the infographic below!

Regis College Online

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