Critical Thinking: The Importance of Continuum of Care

Soroptimist clubs focus time, energy and resources in investing in the dreams of women and girls who face obstacles to their success, and empower them through access to education. This is accomplished through our two Dream Programs (the Live Your Dream Awards and Dream It, Be It)

At the core of the program design for Dream It, Be It is the question: What do the girls we serve need in order to overcome obstacles (violence, teen pregnancy, foster care, poverty) and achieve economic empowerment? And how can our clubs provide those needs? 

Dream It, Be It gives girls the tools they need to achieve their education and career goals, empowering them to break cycles of poverty, violence, and abuse.

Through the continuum of care of Dream It, Be It, you can see some of the steps and interventions that help girls facing obstacles move along the path to education and the economic empowerment it brings. 

The program for girls ages 14-17 covers topics on how to set and achieve goals and how to move forward after setbacks. Participants have a safe space with supportive mentors to explore careers, identify their passions and values, set goals, and so much more. 

Many Soroptimist clubs provide additional opportunities such as college visits, internships, assistance with financial aid or college applications, and other supportive content such as healthy relationship guidance. This web of support can build the confidence girls need to move them further along their journey to their careers and bright futures.  

The impact of Dream It, Be It speaks for itself. In 21/22, the program empowered nearly 12,000 girls to live their dreams! In addition:

  • 88% feel more confident about their future success 
  • 87% feel more prepared to pursue their career goals 
  • 88% created achievable goals for their future 
  • 87% have new tools to overcome obstacles to their success  

Soroptimists truly make an impact on the lives of girls across the globe! Dream It, Be It is our best chance to reach our Big Goal of investing in the dreams of half a million women and girls through access to education. 

With a donation of $25 you can help one girl participate in Dream It, Be It!