According to the Malala Fund, there are over 130 million girls worldwide who are not in school. Without an education, these girls will often marry and have children at a young age, work in unpaid or low paying positions, and Read More
Category: Education
Unlock the power of education with inspiring stories, tools, and opportunities to help women and girls reach their potential.
How Mentoring Transforms Teens’ Lives
The Benefits of Mentoring Relationships For both the mentor and mentee, mentoring establishes a positive and close-knit relationship that provides benefits to both parties. For the mentee, it’s a chance to learn valuable knowledge, develop strategies for overcoming challenges and Read More
A Teen Girl’s Guide for Turning Dreams into Plans
The way I have always set goals for my future is by being aspirational as I can imagine; something I have done since I was a little girl. Maybe my aspirations when I were younger were quite bizarre in the Read More
The Economics of Growing Up: Helping Girls Be Self-Sufficient
When I was a little girl, my father would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. “You can be whatever you want to be,” he’d say. “What about a trash collector?” I asked impishly. “Sure,” my Read More
What are the Benefits of Mentorship for Teens?
While increasing girls’ access to education and training is crucial to their empowerment and success, it’s often not enough. Young women are earning higher degrees than ever before and making up the majority of the classroom. However, they continue to Read More
It’s Time To Catch Up: the Carl D. Perkins Act
Traveling Backwards In 1984, the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act was enacted into law. The purpose of this act was to promote career and technical education (CTE) programs through federal funding. When this law was originally passed, Read More
What I Learned in College
As a senior in college, preparing for graduation, I have been asked the question “So what comes next?” a nauseating amount of times. My education is set to expire, and I am expected to move onto “the real world” to Read More
10 Quotes to Inspire Recent Grads
Graduating from college can be scary, exciting, stressful, and fulfilling. There is a complicated mix of emotions when you finish a major chapter in your life, and sometimes things feel like they don’t make sense. But by remembering that so Read More
Three remarkable women have overcome enormous life challenges and dream of achieving education to create a better life for themselves, their families, and their communities.
An Idea this Mother’s Day: Pay it Forward
We know you’re just like us. You love to make a difference in someone else’s day. Whether it’s holding a door open for a stranger, or running a half marathon to raise money for a good cause, you’re all in Read More