My greatest takeaway from my first year at college—aside from the fact that classes before 10 am aren’t a good idea—is that it’s not necessarily the institution itself that makes college so enjoyable—it’s the people within it. Notably, the people Read More
Preventing Human Trafficking: Addressing Root Causes and Supporting Survivors
Human trafficking is a human rights violation that affects millions of people around the world, especially women and girls. In our mission to empower women and girls, it is essential to address this problem and work on its prevention. In Read More
Don’t Let Food Insecurity Get in the Way of Your Degree
We’ve all heard the stereotype that college students subsist on Ramen noodles. While most people say this in jest, food insecurity is a common problem for people pursuing a degree. Between the costs of housing, books, healthcare, and other necessities, Read More
Understanding Workplace Discrimination Against Women: Know the Signs and What to Do
As a 29-year-old woman that has been in the workforce for over ten years, I have found myself juggling multiple jobs to make ends meet and many other women in my life have made similar confessions. With more women working Read More
Why is it Hard to Leave an Abusive Relationship?
In abusive relationships, the hardest part is leaving. Those not involved in abusive relationships wonder why the victim didn’t get out sooner. Or they are confused why the victim returned to their abusive ex. Leaving an abuser seems easy to those who have never experienced an abusive relationship. When I unblocked Read More
Challenging Beauty Standards: Embracing Non-Conformity
Today I want to talk to you about a topic that I am passionate about and that I consider vitally important, how women can challenge traditional beauty standards and embrace their unique and individual beauty. In a world full of Read More
Nurturing Personal Development Through Morning Routines
The morning is the most important time of the day for maximizing our energies and setting a positive mood to carry through the day. Every day is a fresh start with fresh possibilities and challenges to better ourselves in some Read More
The Importance of Women’s Mental Health in the Workplace
There has been an increasing focus on mental health in recent years, recognizing its profound impact on overall well-being. While mental health affects everyone, it is essential to acknowledge the unique challenges women face in the workplace. Women are pivotal Read More
What to Do When Your Friend Returns to an Abusive Relationship
On average, women will return to their abusive partner 7 times before leaving them once and for all. During those times back and forth, friends of women in abusive relationships can feel their support isn’t enough, they feel helpless in Read More
The Freeze Response and The Stigma Surrounding It
What is the Freeze Response? As someone who has suffered from generalized anxiety disorder my entire life, I became very familiar with the term “fight or flight.” I accepted that my brain viewed what others would call a mundane situation Read More