30 Days of Affirmation for #DVAM

What if, instead of generating more fear, we generated hope, bravery and community?

What if, instead of focusing on heartbreak, we named the ways in which we can keep our hearts strong?

Help make October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a 30-day rally to affirm women’s power and right to live #FearFree.  

Each day this October we’ll share ONE new affirmation of empowerment. Say it, share it, or write your own! This month, commit to activism that comes from a place of hope, not fear.

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Here’s why this matters today more than ever . . .

It’s the 30th Anniversary of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). For 30 years, DVAM has called attention to domestic violence and our collective responsibility to end it. It’s galvanized action creating housing, legal protections, counseling and other much-needed services and programs for victims and survivors. And it’s inspired advocacy leading to the Violence Against Women Act and parallel policies at the state and local level. This progress is worth celebrating and illustrates why raising awareness is such a vital part of the movement to end domestic violence.

But Domestic Violence Awareness can feel so heavy, especially when you’re swamped by tragic statistics and appeals for help.

We are living in deeply anxious times. Sometimes it seems like the world’s problems are just too many and too complex. The frantic energy to do something about it, the hopelessness of not knowing where to start, and the subsequent burnout that happens when good intentions are spread too thin, has given rise to a new wave of “activist fatigue.”

We’re so over it.

Instead of more awareness, how about more AFFIRMATION + ACTION? Let’s create a space for women to speak their truth and lift one another up. Let’s fuel our movement with mutual encouragement and conviction in ourselves, so that we can stay true to our calling as change-makers. Only by affirming our own strength can be we be strong enough for others.

Only by affirming our power to choose can we make empowered choices.  


  • Women have resilience, courage and communal strength.
  • Women deserve the right to live free from violence and fear.
  • We believe in women’s stories and in women’s dreams.
  • We have the power to frame our own truth, to be survivors instead of victims.
  • We should never abandon hope.
  • We’ll keep going to make sure every woman and girl has access to the safety, support and resources she needs to live her dreams.

LiveYourDream.org and Soroptimist have always affirmed a spirit of hope. It’s right there in the name. LIVE your DREAM! SorOPTIMIST! Our programs — The Live Your Dream Awards and Dream It, Be It — are all about hope, too.

We empower women and girls to move past fear, into action. There isn’t a more meaningful journey. And affirming their journeys, and our own journeys, is one of the most meaningful things you can do.

Please join us for 30 Days of Affirmation for #DVAM!

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Nora Blumenstein is our go-to gal for creating a culture of impact here at LiveYourDream.org. From crafting advocacy campaigns ending violence against women to building action, Nora knows that strong, determined women and girls will set the world on fire! In between campaigns, facilitating workshops and running programs all over the globe (NBD!), you can find Nora reading in the park with her dog, Luna.

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