5 Tips to Network Your Way to That Dream Job

Do you know that about half of all available jobs aren’t advertised? This means that, chances are, your dream job isn’t listed on an organization’s website or on your typical job search site. To find your dream job, put less of a focus on searching websites and start talking to people who actually work in your desired field. In other words, less net surfing and more net-working!

Here are 5 tips to network your way to that job you’ve been dreaming of.

Start networking before you need it.

The time to start making connections with people who work in your field of interest is right now. Even if you aren’t technically on the job hunt, being in touch with people in your field could lead to a better job offer now, or will come in handy when you are looking for a new job.

Identify your network.

Make a list of people who work in your field of interest. This can be friends, family, acquaintances–anyone who may know something about your industry.

Use social media to build your network presence!

Start with www.linkedin.com to create a professional profile and connect with other professionals. Other networking organizations include www.idealist.org for nonprofit networking, and www.devex.com for international development.

Communicate with your network.

Stay in touch with people in your network. This can be by the phone or email. Reach out to people and don’t be afraid to ask them for their help with the job search. Let them know your current job needs so they can assist in any way possible. People like to be helpful, and in time, you will be able to return the favor when they are on the job hunt!

Initiate informational interviews.

One of the best ways to gain more information about organizations and job openings in your field is by talking to people in the field. For college students and recent grads, go to your college career center or alumni office and ask for a list of people who are working in the field that interests you. Contact these people and set up a 15-30 minute interview with the person regarding his or her specialty. Come up with a list of specific questions and take advantage of the time to pick their brain about their job and organization. For more information on informational interviews: http://www.quintcareers.com/informational_interviewing.html

Have you found your dream job by networking? Please share your experience and tips with the rest of the LiveYourDream.org community!

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