A New Beginning As I arrived in the US in 2002 as a recently married woman in her 20s, conflicting emotions were coursing through me. I was nervous but also excited about starting a new life, and uncharacteristically (though very Read More
Category: Stories
Read heartfelt stories of resilience and success from women and girls transforming their lives with Soroptimist’s support.
The Lasting Impact of the Live Your Dream Awards
I’m Julia, and I want to share a bit of my story with you. A story that wouldn’t have been possible without incredible supporters like you. When I was born in 1974, my family was involved in a restrictive religious Read More
Healing Through Hope: Mary’s Survivor Journey
Domestic violence is not only pervasive, affecting 1 in 3 women globally, but often derails women’s educational goals. For over a decade, Mary endured the devastating effects of domestic violence while her dream of becoming a nurse slipped further from reach. Now, Mary is on the path to empowerment. Read her full story.
Miracles and Magic: A Special Thank You
Step into the holiday season and discover the magic of dreams fulfilled as we share heartfelt messages of thanks from incredible women from across the globe who have found new hope thanks to the Live Your Dream Awards! These women’s Read More
Rewriting Her Future: A Live Your Dream Award Story
“From the core of my soul, I thank every person that is part of The Live Your Dream Awards. You’ve awarded me with much more than you think. I’ve been awarded with motivation, faith in good people existing, witnessing pure Read More
Nourishing Her Dreams: Jessica’s Story
Jessica’s journey through adversity is a testament to the power of determination. A single mom and survivor, she has traveled a long way from her days in domestic violence shelters. Today, Jessica is living her dream career as a nutritionist. Read More
Girls in STEM: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Tik-tok. Tik-tok. I anxiously watch the clock as I remain seated for the rest of my class to show up. Am I even in the right class? Can I even do this? What if this is too hard for me? Read More
The Freeze Response and The Stigma Surrounding It
What is the Freeze Response? As someone who has suffered from generalized anxiety disorder my entire life, I became very familiar with the term “fight or flight.” I accepted that my brain viewed what others would call a mundane situation Read More
A Journey to Self-Advocacy and Resilience
To thine own self be true This is a classic phrase nearly everyone has heard by the time they take a high school literature class. Navigating the world as a girl and now as a woman, this motto has been Read More
Reclaiming Your Body and Power After Sexual Assault
Realizing you’ve been assaulted isn’t always easy I sat in my therapist’s office on a spring Tuesday afternoon. As we did biweekly, we were discussing an abusive relationship I had endured. There was something I had blocked out for a Read More